Crossroads Missions

Three campuses working together
to reach the world
with the life changing message
of the Gospel.

Strategic Values of Crossroads Missions

-To obey Jesus’ command to take the Gospel
to every corner of the earth    
 -To partner with missionaries that align with
our Biblical beliefs and values    
 -To give significantly and generously    
 -To know and intentionally pray for our missionaries
But you will receive power 
when the Holy Spirit comes on you; 
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, 
and in all Judea and Samaria, 
and to the ends of the earth. 
- Acts 1:8



Spreading the Gospel by continuing our vision of launching and supporting new campuses of Crossroads
Doylestown Campus
Wadsworth Campus
Barberton Campus


Spreading the Gospel across the USA
- College campus missions    
- National disaster relief    
- Church mission trips


Spreading the Gospel to the next generation
around the world
Chardonette, Haiti  
    - Annual support for our Sister Church      
 - Christian education and a hot meal for 114 children
for the 2025-2026 school year

Operation Christmas Child
       - Purchase shoeboxes for Crossroads to fill
- Support Regional Drop-Off Center
Support 17 Missionary Families    
  - Church planting      
 - Leadership training      
- Humanitarian aid      
- Bible translation    
  - Construction projects